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Job Announcement Information Needs Help

If you notice the text in the below screenshot you might see the job titles are not first. The employer names are first but they are not what job seekers will be expecting or wanting to see first. The employer names are also bolded which draws attention to the wrong information.  The information first presented is overly long employer names, such as Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) at Georgetown University. Job seekers typically scan for job titles that match their interests, their work backgrounds or their current or past positions. Then they look at employer names.

The job information would be easier to scan/read if it was presented with the job titles first, and bolded, like this:

  • Policy Fellow, Broadband & Spectrum, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Washington, DC
  • Director, Trade and Innovation Policy, National Foreign Technology Association, Washington, DC
  • Associate Director, Technology Policy Project, Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC

Vertical lists are also easier to scan with bullets.

Another fix was eliminating the acronyms in parentheseses which is not useful information because it is not necessary to include.